U-Tube Bundles

Nuclear HVAC Heat Exchanger U-Tube Bundles

Quality – Integrity – Reliability

PMT designs and manufactures U-tube heat exchangers in accordance with ASME Section VIII. Designs can also be in accordance with HEI and TEMA standards. Heat exchangers can be supplied with an ASME “U” Stamp and registered with the National Board under our in-house program.

We can also reverse engineer direct “like for like” replacements to your existing equipment. If you have U-tube bundles as part of your existing equipment that has degraded over time, or if you have plugged leaking tubes, PMT engineering can do a field walk down of your existing equipment to obtain all the dimensions. Detailed fabrication drawings will be generated and submitted to your engineering for review and approval, and we can manufacture identical replacement components. The U-tube bundles shown here were reverse engineered and provided as identical replacements for U-tube bundles in obsolete evaporators. This provided a quicker and more economical solution than the alternative which was to completely replace the evaporator.

Nuclear HVAC Heat Exchanger U-Tube Bundles

PMT has also complete test facilities that allow for hydrostatic, pneumatic, and performance testing of heat exchangers.

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