Nuclear Spare Part Valves
Quality – Integrity – Reliability

PMT routinely supplies refrigeration valves to the nuclear industry. If you have an existing valve that leaks, contact us today and we will find you an equivalent replacement. PMT will select a valve to work for your application and perform the equivalency evaluation to ensure fit, form and function are not impacted. Additionally, PMT will seismically qualify the valve specifically for your application. Commercial refrigeration valves are dedicated in-house and supplied as safety related under the PMT quality assurance program.
PMT can also supply safety-related water valves. Many chillers in the nuclear industry are oversized and continuously run at low loads. For plants with extremely low condensing water temperatures in the winter months, this can cause constant operational problems and nuisance trips. Let PMT design a head pressure control valve setup specifically for your application. Our engineers understand refrigeration theory and can solve your chiller problems. Commercial water valves are dedicated in-house and supplied as safety-related under the PMT quality assurance program.
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